April sowings directly outside……

I seem to have all my April seeds finally sown in the greenhouses and I’ve also pricked out everything that I can. I’m sure in a couple of weeks time there will be loads more to do. The greenhouses are filling up very nicely and the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer so all is good in the world.

So now it’s time to sow any April seeds that need to be sown directly outside into the soil. There aren’t many, but here goes……

Once I’d weeded the area I wanted to use and then turned the soil over a little and levelled it off I got to work. First of all was a line of Beetroot. Which ever variety you have sow them in the same way. This year I’ve got “Chioggia” which I love.

Here’s how I sow mine….

Next it was onto the Radish. Now these are best sown a few at a time, that is unless you eat a huge amount of them. I sowed a sort row which was about a metre long. When I start to harvest these I’ll sow another row, and so on until about September time. Radish tend to prefer slightly cooler shady spots, as the strong hot sun tends to make them bolt. Whatever varieties you have this year they need to be sown in exactly the same way. The varieties I have this year are “Logo” and “French Breakfast 3” (what’s happened to 1 and 2 I don’t know, maybe they’re plain and chocolate croissants?). Oh shush Claire stop being so silly.

Here’s how I sow my Radish seeds…..

Then it was on to my Carrots and Spring onions. Now these are best sown next to each other because the smell of each one deters the naughty little critters that like to eat the other one. Spring Onions are part of the allium family so you can always substitute Spring Onions for Leeks, Onion sets (or small plants), pots of Chives or even garlic. I tend to sow alternate rows of alliums and carrots.

The Spring Onions I’m growing this year are “Guardsman” and this is how I sow mine….

My carrot varieties I’ve mixed all together and the 2 varieties I have are “Rainbow” and “Paris Market Atlas”. But what ever carrots you decide to grow they need to be sown in exactly the same way, so here’s how I sow mine…..

Don’t forget my April update, hopefully it’ll help you this month…..

Click HERE for my Claire’s Allotment Essentials book is available which is packed full of all sorts of useful information.

Don’t forget I have little individual guides as well for just 99p. Click HERE to see them all.

Click HERE for Lottie and Dottie as they’ve been busy in the garden as well. Some of the books are running very low and once they’re gone that’s it. So get them while you can.

Happy long Easter Weekend everyone and you can eat chocolate because you’ll burn off all those calories out in the garden. If you think of it that way then chocolate has no calories in it at all…..cake is the same.

Happy gardening!

Claire xx

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