Wednesday 25th May 2022 – Peppers in their final pots

Yes I know it’s unusual for me to blog mid week, but there is a lot to do in the greenhouses and out in the garden.

So before I go to work I try and pop out in the garden and do a little something. I also pop out again when dinner is in the oven. Little and often at this time of year is the key.

It’s that time of year when you have to shift bits around in the greenhouses as some plants have to stay in, others are going out soon and there is a lot of tidying and organisation to be done. I like to think of it as doing a puzzle, so a little bit here and a little bit there, you can’t do that, until that is done. So slightly chaotic but organised chaos.

So for the past couple of days I’ve been planting up my Sweet Peppers in their final pots. Now unless you live in a hot climate these have to spend their entire life under protection. I’ve planted mine in 3 litre pots which gives their roots plenty of space to spread and grow. Again because they are peppers they need to be planted shallow, so don’t bury the stem under the compost.

I then put the pots in trays and water from the bottom, that way the compost will soak up the water encouraging the roots to grow downwards. They will need staking as the plants will get heavy with all the fruit that it produces, so I’ve attached a bamboo cane to the metal frame of my staging and then the plants loosely to the cane. Don’t tie them tight because the stem will get larger and fatter.

Once the plants start to produce flowers then start to feed them. I use Shropshire Seaweed fertiliser which I find works brilliantly.

Here’s a little video with a bit more information for you…. (I know I say 2 litre pots in the video, and I’ve just said 3 litre, but either will be fine)….

Have a wonderful rest of your week, and more adventures this weekend….but not Saturday and I have 2 weddings to bell ring for on that day, so see you Sunday.

Happy gardening xx

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1 Response to Wednesday 25th May 2022 – Peppers in their final pots

  1. NebraskaDave says:

    Claire, any time in the garden is always good time even if it’s just a few minutes. We have been going through another rain cycle for the last three days. I can’t complain as we were in a drought condition and the rains came slow and easy which were just the right way for letting the soil soak up every drop. I have tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and sweet corn planted but need to plant more things when it dries up just a bit. Because of the life-giving rains the earth is returning growth in abundance in the yards, gardens, and flower beds. I so love to see nature come to life in the spring.

    Have a great day in the greenhouse and garden.

    Nebraska Dave
    Urban Farmer

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